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Carte de l'hôtel

Plan de l'hotel
Park Lane Hotel Foshan (Shunde Lecong Branch), C'est l'une des propriétés sélectionnées du Groupe Baili. C'est le siège de l'hôtel Baili à Guangdong. Il est situé dans la zone animée du quartier d'affaires Lecong de Shunde, connu sous le nom de 'China Furniture Business City'. Il est adjacent au grand centre d'exposition de meubles domestiques, Salon de meubles, Louvre Furniture City, shunlian Furniture City, Lecong Cultural Park, et adjacent à Home Expo City, longwei Timber Market, Foshan Airport,105 National Highway, Guangzhou Baiyun Airport and China Import and Export Commodities Fair is only 45 minutes in car, the location is superior and convenient, Water, Land, air transport is very developed.
L'hôtel est un hôtel de luxe d'affaires avec un concept noble, d'affaires, de culture et de mode. Il dispose de 160 chambres de luxe avec un style de design unique et des détails exquis, combinant parfaitement les quatre concepts.Toutes les Chambres sont équipées de wifi et d'Internet à large bande pour vous permettre de profiter du travail et du divertissement en ligne à tout moment. En même temps, elles sont équipées d'équipements modernes tels que mini - bar, téléphone Idd, équipement de bureau et coffre - fort privé. La disposition des chambres est basée sur L'humanisation, et un plancher sans fumée est spécialement fourni.L'hôtel dispose d'installations de soutien complètes, y compris des restaurants de cuisine de fruits de mer chinois, occidentaux et de saveur de différents pays, des clubs de loisirs de muzu, des cartes d'échecs, des conférences d'affaires, des centres d'affaires et d'autres installations de soutien, des installations parfaites et des services raffinés. C'est l'hôtel de choix pour vos loisirs d'affaires et montrer votre identité distinguée.
[Introduction détaillée]
Hôtel FAQ
  • Cet hôtel est de Foshan Airport Quelle est sa distance?

    Park Lane Hotel Foshan (Shunde Lecong Branch) est à 13.3km de l'aéroport.

  • Park Lane Hotel Foshan (Shunde Lecong Branch) propose-t-il un service de navette?

    Non, l'hôtel n'a pas de service de navette.

  • Quels sont les horaires d'arrivée et de départ à Park Lane Hotel Foshan (Shunde Lecong Branch) ?

    L'enregistrement s'effectue à partir de 14:00 et le départ jusqu'à 12:00 à Park Lane Hotel Foshan (Shunde Lecong Branch).

  • L'établissement Park Lane Hotel Foshan (Shunde Lecong Branch) dispose-t-il d'une piscine et d'une salle de fitness?

    Non, l'hôtel ne dispose pas de piscine ni de salle de sport. Voir plus de détails.

  • L'établissement Park Lane Hotel Foshan (Shunde Lecong Branch) dispose-t-il un restaurant sur place ?

    Oui, vous pouvez manger à l'hôtel.

  • Park Lane Hotel Foshan (Shunde Lecong Branch) dispose-t-il d'une connexion haut débit ou Wifi?

    Oui, veuillez contacter la réception de l'hôtel pour plus de détails.

  • Park Lane Hotel Foshan (Shunde Lecong Branch) accepte-t-il le prépaiement?

    Acceptez, veuillez soumettre votre commande avant de nous contacter.

  • Park Lane Hotel Foshan (Shunde Lecong Branch) accepte-t-il les cartes de crédit?

    Non, l'hôtel n'accepte pas les cartes de crédit.

  • Combien coûte le petit déjeuner de Park Lane Hotel Foshan (Shunde Lecong Branch)?

    Petit déjeuner CNY38 / personne.

  • Quel est le tarif d'un séjour à l'établissement Park Lane Hotel Foshan (Shunde Lecong Branch)?

    Les tarifs commencent à partir de CNY360, selon le type de chambre et la date.

Commentaires Plus
  • a1010011
    The hotel is good, the price is acceptable, great
  • e00211863
    not bad
  • laydear
    Clean, sanitary, comfortable and safe. It's a good choice for business travel. I'll stay next time.
  • lovely_eggs
    The geographical location is relatively good and the environment is relatively clean. The only disadvantage is that there is no breakfast and lunch. Look outside.
  • anjaylia
    There are still many restaurants around, especially foreign restaurants. The most satisfactory thing is that morning tea is served on the second floor, and each room also gives a roll of 50 for 20, which is equivalent to a 60% discount and a massage place. Therefore, the surrounding services are recommended
  • e03909923
    The hotel is quite quiet, the staff service is also very friendly, and the environment and facilities are also very good! There are many restaurants around, and the transportation is quite convenient
  • liyuren
    It's OK. I live here every time I come, mainly because it's convenient to eat
  • danylu
    The environment is very good, the facilities are good, quite comfortable, the service is also OK.
  • dfdsfesd
    Nice place to be in and around furniture market. Lots of indian restaurants beside the hotel makes it easy too.
  • dynamo111
    not so bad
  • LaurenceMiao
  • malin80428
    The hotel environment is very good and the service is also very good. There is less food nearby, but the restaurant in the hotel is very delicious.
  • aaa3398
    Little expensive
  • bluecitygirl
    The hotel is close to the roadside. All kinds of vehicles are noisy at night. As for the service, there is no service at all, so I don't recommend it
  • liruoxi328
    The price and environment are the best around, very good.
    In terms of cost-effective hotels in Lecong, whether it's new or convenient, and there are many foreign restaurants nearby, which gives us a lot of choices and attempts
  • jiangguoying
    it 's not bad
  • nana2599
    It's very convenient to live in the city near the hotel, but there are many Indians here. Although they look very good, they are still afraid of how many they walk by. The smell on their bodies is unacceptable. It seems that the whole person is bad because they see all Indians when they enter the hotel
  • saisena
    Not bad, satisfied. I can stay next time
  • cnjslxd
    The location is very good, travel is also very convenient, very suitable for furniture to choose business travel, downstairs also has a restaurant, although the taste is general, but the price is not high, it is relatively convenient
  • amy_jun7641
    Generally speaking, it's OK
  • accjerry
    Nice hotel
  • epsunwen
    just so so
  • lanmao
    It's still a good hotel
  • adeyanyan
    The appearance of the hotel is OK. It's convenient to be away from the city. I ordered a honeymoon room, but the room is not as good as I thought. It claims to be decorated with four-star specifications. I can't see that it's good there. More importantly, the service is really different. The front desk looks down and doesn't look at people. Guests also look down and use their own business. Such service won't go next time.
  • aiwa665433
    not bad
  • rain886
    It's convenient to go to the furniture city, and the sanitary conditions are also very good
  • cool_wu
    It's OK, but the price of the home show went up later
  • e00540836
    You can also 111111111111
  • Joanne49
    Yes, but the bed is small and the towel is old...
  • bobaby
    This hotel is a regular place to stay. Many places around it are very convenient
  • yaoyipeng
    All very good! I'll stay next time! Convenient transportation!
  • myingying
    very good
  • carguy
    The location of the hotel is good. It's very close to Lecong Furniture City. The restaurant is on the second floor. It's convenient to eat. The room is clean and quiet, which is worth recommending. It would be better to include breakfast.
  • giggs18
    The hygiene was very clean, the service was very friendly, up to standard, and cost-effective
  • dongjianlee
    it 's not bad
  • luv_luv
    Service facilities are not directly proportional to the price
  • Lara sunshine
    The location of the hotel is very good. It is very close to Lecong Furniture City. The quality and attitude of the hotel staff are good and cost-effective. It is worth recommending! Unfortunately, this is not an easy price without breakfast.
  • mutola
    Very good hotel, convenient location and considerate service. The room is big enough and clean
  • Niemoyang
    It's a good place. The bed is very big and the windows are very big. I feel very good
  • luli1018
  • Elina
    Not bad
  • e00844508
    Convenient and cheap recommendation
  • xiaofuren777
    The hotel is cheap, the restaurant on the second floor is also cheap, and the location is superior.
  • gdsfiud
    A very comfortable trip is worth recommending
  • edmond_1923
  • natu98
    The environment is not bad
  • liangjimmy
  • ailleen
    The bed is small, the towel is old, others are good...
  • dayufeiyang
  • com2000sg
    The room facilities are OK and the sanitation is OK. Good location. It's convenient to go shopping in the furniture market. The price is a little higher, which may be the reason for the rise of house prices during the Canton Fair. Overall, it's OK.
  • fany2000
    Nice hotel
  • ariel__lu
    The hotel is clean and the restaurant downstairs is delicious
  • greatcx_12
    The room facilities and service were very good
  • ivy_dgb
    The hygiene of the room was pretty good. There was no smell. The service in the lobby was average. It was pretty good.
  • glngg
    The traffic is very convenient
  • liuleibs
    It's very close to the rover palace. I chose to live here in order to see the furniture. KFC is not far away. It's convenient to eat. I'll be willing to stay in this hotel next time
  • carlos5218
    Not bad, not bad.
  • paulinexu23
    very good
  • B2203092
    Good location for furniture purchase
  • e00602421
    Good place
  • berylyoung
  • alvince
    Clean, hygienic and considerate service. The key point is that the food in the hotel restaurant is very authentic. I recommend you to stay
  • emilylu0328
    The hotel is good, very good
  • diedsun
    The hotel is generally hygienic and cost-effective